Financing Options
At the Benoe Eye & Oculoplastic Surgeons, Dr. Bedi and our staff are proud to provide the highest level of thoughtful, personalized care as our patients achieve their aesthetic goals in a warm and welcoming environment. We believe that loving the way you look is priceless. That said, we also realize that our patients have budgets. In the interest of helping patients make fully educated decisions about their treatment, we have provided this page to serve as a resource about some potential financing options.
To make it possible for our patients to break the cost of their surgery into manageable payments, we can suggest the following few third-party medical financing companies. Please be advised that we are not affiliated with any specific companies mentioned in our content. Patients are advised to conduct thorough research and consult relevant sources before making any decisions related to financing options.
Medicard is offered by iFinance Canada, and is designed to help patients pay for the cost of medical care. Applications have a high rate of approval and competitive interest rates. Furthermore, no down payment is required for Medicard financing and there is no early payment penalty.
Beautifi is another great option for patients who desire to finance the cost of elective medical care. Beautifi offers flexible payment options and the ability for patients to set their own timeline for repayment. Beautify also offers a convenient, fully online experience.
Credit Medical provides flexible and affordable loans for elective medical procedures not covered by government or healthcare insurance plans, so that you can focus on the treatment, not the cost!